

2023-04-27 23:42:32 简师傅 维修师傅 946浏览

1. E01 - This error code can indicate an issue with the machine's water supply, such as a blockage or a problem with the water pump.


2. E02 - This error code can indicate that the water tank is empty or that there is a problem with the water level sensor.

3. E03 - This error code can indicate an issue with the machine's heating element, which may need to be replaced.

4. E04 - This error code can indicate that the coffee machine's steam generator is not functioning correctly, which may be due to a malfunctioning component or a blockage.

5. E05 - This error code can indicate an issue with the machine's grinder, which could be due to a blockage or a malfunctioning motor.

6. E06 - This error code can indicate a problem with the coffee machine's brew unit, which may need to be re-calibrated or replaced.

7. E07 - This error code can indicate that the coffee machine's internal temperature sensor is not working correctly, which may result in overheating or other related issues.

8. E08 - This error code can indicate an issue with the machine's brewing system, such as a clogged filter or malfunctioning valve.

9. E09 - This error code can indicate a problem with the coffee machine's electrical components, such as a faulty relay or wiring issue.

10. E10 - This error code can indicate that the coffee machine's milk frother is not functioning properly, which may require cleaning or replacement.

11. E11 - This error code can indicate an issue with the machine's electronic control unit (ECU), which may need to be reset or replaced.

12. E12 - This error code can indicate a problem with the coffee machine's grind size settings, which may need to be adjusted or calibrated to achieve the desired brew strength.

13. E13 - This error code can indicate an issue with the machine's water temperature, which may be due to a malfunctioning thermostat or a blockage in the heating system.

14. E14 - This error code can indicate an issue with the coffee machine's pressure sensor, which may need to be replaced or recalibrated.

15. E15 - This error code can indicate a problem with the coffee machine's brew group, which may require cleaning or replacement to ensure proper operation.

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